"Reptilians" can no longer be used as a generic term. But as I learn more about the different alien species, it becomes necessary to be more specific in order to classify the different species. The paper tracing the comet's origin has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, but it's available on the preprint server arXiv.This page used to be called reptilians.html. Astronomers are still collecting more data about Comet 2I/Borisov's path through space, and additional data may reveal that the original trajectory was wrong and that the comet came from somewhere else. However, the paper's authors were careful to point out that these results shouldn't yet be considered conclusive.

That would make Comet Borisov the first interstellar object ever traced to its home system, if these results are confirmed. 'Oumuamua, by contrast, seems to have come from the general direction of the bright star Vega, but according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, researchers don't believe that's where the object originally came from, instead suggesting it likely came from a newly-forming star system (though researchers aren't sure which one). This research, Ye said, means that anything we learn about Comet Borisov could be a lesson about Kruger 60, a nearby star system where no exoplanets have been discovered. That's a whole category of research that usually isn't possible with distant solar systems, where small objects only ever appear - if they're visible at all - as faint, discolored shadows on their suns. They can figure out whether it behaves like comets in our own system (so far, it has) or does anything unusual, like 'Oumuamua famously did. Astronomers can look at Comet 2I/Borisov using telescopes that might reveal details of the comet's surface. Studying interstellar comets is exciting, Ye said, because it offers a rare opportunity to study distant solar systems using the precise tools scientists employ when examining our own. And the authors of this paper showed that Comet 2I/Borisov fell within the minimum speed and distance from Kruger 60 to suggest it originated there -assuming their calculations of its trajectory are correct. That mass threshold sets an upper limit on the speeds of comets escaping star systems, Ye said. "Jupiter is pretty massive," he added, "but you can't have a planet that's 100 times more massive than Jupiter because then it would be a star." "It can't be infinite because planets have a certain mass," and the mass of a planet determines how hard it can throw a comet into the void. "This ejection speed has a limit," Ye said.

In our solar system, that might look like Jupiter snagging a comet that's falling toward the sun, slingshotting it around in a brief, partial orbit and then flinging it away toward interstellar space. "Second," Ye added, "usually comets are ejected from a planetary system due to gravitational interactions with major planets in that system."

Though the 5.7 light-years between the new comet and Kruger may seem bigger than a "small gap" - nearly 357,000 times Earth's distance from the sun - it's close enough to count as "small" for these sorts of calculations, he said. "First, has this comet had a small pass distance from a planetary system? Because if it's coming from there, then its trajectory must intersect with the location of that system." "If you have an interstellar comet and you want to know where it came from, then you want to check two things," he said. Ye Quanzhi, an astronomer and comet expert at the University of Maryland who wasn't involved in this paper, told Live Science that the evidence pinning Comet 2I/Borisov to Kruger 60 is pretty convincing based on the data available so far.