Conference call meaning
Conference call meaning


To make a conference call through WhatsApp successfully, you’ll want to ensure everyone on your team has downloaded and configured the app first.


The upside is that it’s free to use and easy to set up. Keep in mind that you can only use it for conference calls that include eight people or less. Here are some quick tips to try on for size if you’re using WhatsApp as your conference calling tool. Quick Tips to Improve WhatsApp Conference Calls Today RingCentral – Best standalone conferencing solution.If WhatApp falls short for you, one of our top conference calling recommendations will have what you need. WhatsApp is very handy, but it’s not going to work for every business. It also helps that WhatsApp works on any type of smartphone since the hardware each of our team members uses always differs. It’s convenient and can be a great option if you have a strong internet connection.

conference call meaning

We’ve used WhatsApp to run group conference calls when we only need to meet with eight people.


With WhatsApp, that can be your reality once you’ve learned how to use it for conference calls. Best of all, it doesn’t cost anything to get everyone connected and interacting. Thankfully, they’ve each downloaded WhatsApp on their phone, so they’ll be ready to jump on a call whenever and wherever. But some of them are either on the go or working from home at the time of the call. It’s one of your most significant projects yet, and you want a convenient way to call all of your team members at once. Picture this: Your team needs to meet soon to iron out a few wrinkles on your latest project. And they can also be valuable for client interactions. Though the lines of what you officially call a conference call have been a bit blurred as the workplace changes and there are more communication methods, one thing is still clear: conference calls are a crucial part of communicating with your team members. Hosting conference calls is a great way to get your team on the same page no matter where in the world they are. We dive deeper into everything you need to know to get started below. It turns out it’s also a great conference calling tool, too. If a settlement doesn t take place through pre-trial conferences, the judge sets a date for the trial.WhatsApp wasn’t just designed for messaging your friends and family.


The issue conference can shorten the actual trial time by determining points that don t need to be proved during the trial. The lawyers usually appear at this hearing before a judge without their clients and try to agree on undisputed facts or points of law. If a case hasn t been settled, many courts set a time for an issue conference. At the conference, the judge and the lawyers can review the evidence and clarify the issues in dispute. Judges also use pre-trial conferences to encourage settling cases. Even though these cases must initially be sent to arbitration or mediation, sometimes the losing party in arbitration or mediation may appeal, which sends the case back into the court system. In at least 28 states, court-annexed arbitration or mediation is automatic for many cases, for example, those under a certain dollar amount.

conference call meaning

Both arbitration and mediation are typically private, so they have the added benefit of helping the parties avoid publicity. The mediator uses a variety of techniques to help them come to agreement, but he or she is not empowered to decide the case. In mediation, a third-party mediator who is neutral assists the parties to reach a negotiated settlement of their differences. It s generally quicker and less expensive than a full-fledged trial.

conference call meaning

Arbitration involves submitting the dispute to a neutral third party who renders a decision after hearing arguments and reviewing evidence. If the jurisdiction has such court-annexed alternative dispute resolution (for example, arbitration or mediation ), the judge may refer the case to that program at this hearing. In some jurisdictions, certain kinds of disputes such as disagreements over child custody must be referred to a third party that will try to facilitate a settlement. Judges use it to establish a time frame for concluding all pre-trial activities and may set a tentative trial date at this time. This conference held after all initial pleadings have been filed helps the judge manage the case.

conference call meaning

One type of conference gaining popularity is the status conference (sometimes called the early conference). Judges use pre-trial conferences with lawyers for many purposes.

Conference call meaning